On Monday, February 15, hundreds of fashion bloggers assembled at the lovely Helen Mills Theater for the first IFB (Independent Fashion Bloggers) conference, Evolving Influence. The Conference featured workshops and panels on marketing, business, ethics, and the future of fashion blogging. The top-notch roster of speakers included:
- Suzie Bubble
- Tavi Gevinson \ Style Rookie
- Bryanboy
- Erika Miller \ ELM Consulting
- Phil Oh \ Street Pepper
- Jessica Schroder \ What I Wore
- Gina Garrubbo \ BlogHer
- Jennine Jacob \ The Coveted & founder of IFB
- plus many more.
I'm happy to know that there's an existing outlet to celebrate and promote fashion bloggers as we navigate this evolving strand of media. Thank you IFB!
See more photos from the panel & the fashionable bloggers at the Conference in our album.
Suzie Bubble & Tavi on The Future of Fashion Blogging Panel
Navigating Blog Ethics Panel with Jessica Schreder & Imran Amed
photos: © Lesley Williams, 2010
Check out the post on IFB's Dress-Up Soireé.