>My name is: Niahm
>I live in: Madrid
>My blog is: El Baul de Niamh (http://elbauldeniamh.blogspot.com/ )
>My blog's focus is: A little bit of everything, small pleasures and beautiful things that I run into in my daily life: Books, films, songs... (De todo un poco, pequeños placeres y cosas hermosas que me voy encontrando en la vida:libros, películas, canciones...)
>When I'm bloggin, I like to wear: As I am always at home, relaxing when I write, I either wear my pajamas or sports wear (Como siempre escribo cuando estoy en casa, tranquila, pues o bien pijama o ropa deportiva)
>Other blogs that I follow: Tons of them, but written by women I could highlight these: de bohemia