My face brightened up when I received a surprise assortment of happily printed fabrics earlier this week from textile designer & author Jennifer Paganelli!
Okay, here's a short story...
My friend Erika called last October and mentioned that she picked up sewing book [for me] called 'Girls' World' that I might like. She was right! After receiving it I began using it for fashion instruction. The book is brimming with fanciful sewing and craft projects that are adorable.
Ok, let's fast forward to this months' DIYBA (DIY Business Association) tweet up. When I saw Jennifer's handle appear in the chat timeline, @sisbom, I had to introduce myself. We scheduled a Monday afternoon phone date, quickly discovered things we had in common, and decided it would be smart to stay connected.
On Wednesday (as I was rushing out the door) I stumbled over a fat package that had been delivered with Jennifer's name listed as the sender. After opening I was moved because:
1) the designs for spring are lovely,
2) sewing will be fun with the patterns + fabrics by Jennifer, AND
3) a sweet gesture enabled me to spark creativity and expand my network.
It's a colorful reminder of the ripple effects of our actions. Good, leads to good, leads to more good!
Wishing you a great Saturday;). Go create.