It's never too early to begin setting intentions for the new year. A few days ago I created a list of goals for 2016. I broke them down into 3 types, with two goals per category:
- Artistic
- Career
- Internal
I won't bore you with my entire list but one of my artistic goals is to learn to sketch better. I enjoy drawing but it takes time to turn out a fab fashion doodle. Two things that I need to do to get better at sketching:
1) Practice, practice, practice -- aka setting aside time everyday to work on it;
2) Be an observer -- binge on YouTube videos and look at sketches in magazines and in the oodles of fashion titles I own.
My Fashionary drawings from a collection of basic shirts I'm designing
For the 6 goals on the list, I went through this process of extracting 2 action steps for success. I ended up with a list of 12. Next I pulled out the recurring themes, from the steps, and wrote a summary. It was revealed to me that if I do two things I can reach my goals in the new year. In a nutshell, I need to get better at planning and be more discipline.
I encourage you to use my method or another to do some personal planning. Make a list, check it twice....2016 is going to be nice!